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Learn more about the projects and tools developed by EarthPulse, at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Earth Observation.


AI Environment

Tools developed by EarthPulse to help you leverage Artificial Intelligence for Earth Observation applications.

AI Environment


SCANEO (Satellite Collaborative ANnotation tool for EO) is a labelling tool specifically designed to annotate EO data. Furhtermore, SCANEO leverages Active Learning to provide assisted labelling, decreasing annotation costs and time.

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AI Environment


A training library built on top of Pytorch and Pytorch Lightning to facilitate the development of Earth Observation models.

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European Space Agency

You can find here a list of projects Earthpulse is involved in with the European Space Agency:

European Space Agency


The Earth Observation Training Data Lab is a repository of training datasets and ML models for Earth Observation.

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European Space Agency

AI4EO Challenges

The AI4EO Challenges platform presents a great opportunity for Data Scientists, ML Engineers and Earth Observation experts to showcase their skills and contribute to the Earth Observation community by solving real-world problems while earning prizes.

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