Rivers have hotpots: places where the river can overflow easily. If those hotspots are close to urban areas, essential crops or economic activities, its management becomes a social and financial risk.
The maintenance and conservation of the riverbed includes actions that are carried out to promote water circulation and prevent or reduce flood problems when a weather event occurs. Riverbed vegetation can hinder the passage of water and therefore the need for the maintenance program.
Where should we prioritize maintenance? Which is the current situation compared to last year? If the river overflows, where will be the greatest impact?
![Riverbed increase example](/pics/cases/riverbed/riverbed_increase.webp)
By monitoring the riverbed throughout the year, we can prioritize maintenance actions, optimizing resources and protecting the most vulnerable areas, and determining which areas should be evaluated first.
What gets known, gets managed.
Riverbed vegetation mapping
Our segmentation algorithm allows us to identify the areas where vegetation invades the stable riverbed. Using medium resolution images and high-resolution images, the river hotspots are located.
Identification of vulnerable areas within the riverbed by using MR data
![MR EO](/pics/cases/riverbed/mr_eo_image.webp)
![Water/Vegetation discrimination](/pics/cases/riverbed/water_vegetation_disc.webp)
Identification of vulnerable areas within the riverbed by using HR data
![HR EO](/pics/cases/riverbed/hr_eo_image.webp)
![Riverbed vegetation Segmentation](/pics/cases/riverbed/riverbed_segmentation.webp)
Surrounding asset mapping
Once the hotspots are detected, the area around those critical points is studied and classified to get to know the potential impact.